Operating Hours
Monday - Thursday
 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday 
The library will close 15 minutes early each day for cleaning
302 South Main Street
Tuskegee, AL  36083
Phone:  (334) 727-5192
Fax:  (334) 727-5989

Patron Code of Conduct

Macon County Tuskegee Public Library encourages people of all ages to visit the library. The library is used by families, children and adults. The purpose of this Patron Code of Conduct is to ensure that those visiting the library can enjoy a safe, comfortable environment that supports appropriate library services. It is within the complete discretion of library staff to determine whether patrons’ actions, behavior and dress conform to the requirements of this Patron Code of Conduct. Individuals demonstrating disruptive and/or inappropriate behavior will be required to leave the library at the request of library staff. It is within the discretion of library staff whether an initial warning to the patron is appropriate prior to the patron’s removal from the premises.


All serious acts will be reported to the Macon County Sheriff or Tuskegee Police Department. Disruptive and inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to:


  • Abusive language or behavior towards library staff or others
  • Actions that prevent the legitimate use of the library and its resources
  • Cell phone calls that disrupt or are inappropriate either in volume or content. Patrons will be asked to take calls outside but no disruptive or inappropriate calls will be permitted on library property inside or out
  • Eating and/or drinking
  • Failure to remove crying babies and noisy, disruptive children from the library
  • Harassment and lewd behavior
  • Misuse of library property
  • Noisy, boisterous talking or actions
  • Smoking and/or use of illegal drugs is prohibited in the library and at all library programs
  • Uncooperative attitude
  • Patrons that abuse the computers and internet policy by signing in on someone else’s card may be warned once and banned from computer usage if the warning is not heeded.
Patron  Dress Code
  • Macon County Tuskegee Public Library observes the common no shirt, no shoes, no service policy. In addition, patrons will not be permitted to wear inappropriate, suggestive, vulgar, or excessively revealing clothing not conducive to community standards.
  • Patrons with an excessive amount of any offensive odor or substance like grease, ink, oil, blood, etc., that can be transferred to other patrons, library furnishings or equipment will not be permitted in the library.
  • Vulgar, offensive or inappropriate tattoos must be covered while in the library
  • It is not the library’s intent to enforce a strict dress code but if appearance/clothing or lack thereof is disruptive to staff or others, the person will be asked to either comply or leave the library.
  • The phrase “no shirt, no shoes, no service” applies.  You should not wear clothes that reveal your underwear.